Scientific Evolutionary Expression of the Universe
Direct Perception of God


This one specific incident goes long back to the year 1977, when I was in 9th class and had ample interest in math subject, I vividly recollect that while going through a market road of the town towards a stationery shop, I attentively saw a man ahead of me, picking up a currency note which obviously had fallen from someone else’s pocket. Then for the first time, a sudden deeply inquisitive conscious thought somewhere from the cosmos arose in my mind that there must be some lawfully designed balancing act of God in this transaction – money silently changing pockets, without any sale or purchase, or even without any robbery or looting, and to the most there was even no human intervention for manipulating this transaction in any manner. It was exactly the moment when Almighty’s ‘finer seed of balancing’ got dropped from the cosmos and silently got sown in my growing boyish mind. It started sprouting quietly somewhere in my thoughtful mind. Since then, as an ardent devotee of God, or you may also say, as destiny would have it like this only, I richly saw His-Nature’s fine balancing act in each and everything.

Observe this course. In the beginning, when man was cultured to walk on two legs, he was taught ‘balance’. Then he learnt cycling, exercised ‘balance’ for this. Then came the bike, again he outwardly expressed ‘balance’ keeping his inner self intact. Then he bought the car that required regular ‘balancing’. Even, the buildings he saw around him, all stood erect and tall on ‘balanced’ pillars. Then he started running his business that required ‘balance’ sheet for maintenance of its accounts. Then he commandingly sat on four legged ‘balanced’ chair as a big shot of his business house. Assured! Balance never abandoned man. Rather, man, deliberately or otherwise, abandoned balance on the growth path of his life. Whatever be the case, wherever man lost or ignored balance, internally or externally, he suffered pain exactly in proportionate to the extent of being out of balance. Inference? Man could not escape even a bit of ‘unnoticeable depth of the balance’ throughout his life. Balance is and was the most effective invisible operational big tool in the hands of the Invisible Power for running this universe. Aside, it is often said that your one single forceful thought may redeem you, but in my case, set aside the thought of any one big redeeming thought, this, ‘balance’, just a small forceful single word became the big redeeming word for me.

Finally, this idea or thought overwhelmingly got its further depth and complete understanding up to its ultimate minutest detail in the year 2005 which then culminated into the form of drop-divine, expanded for its understanding in the form of pictorial representation of ‘cause and effect principle’ with the active absorption of concept of relative levels of two opposite energies, placed now on web in 2018. Intermittent envisioning of this structure or similar other related forms rarely let me sleep fully, and even rarely allowed me to do something else with my full attention. In India, one learns very hard to live in harmony with his mind due to its deeply rooted familial bonds mixed with complex social set up and fabric, despite the fact that everyone here noticeably knows that none can escape his mind. Still Indian mind wrestles much more with itself than anywhere else in the world. We must first learn to live liberally straight with our legitimate divinely driving forceful words or thoughts which are embedded deeply in our minds, for our own eternal redemption. Balance! Upward! Predestined! Seed sown in boyish mind then, manifested now after facing lot of hiccups and turbulences in life. Understand this, enjoy this, and spread this inescapable Truth to all, that has been unfolded differently.

At this moment, I assertively daresay with full realization and conviction on my side, that every act in this universe is of pure fool-proof balance, whether we are able to comprehend it or not. Every single thought is reconcilable with its exact opposite thought floating in the universe, that is to say, in God’s Mind. That’s why, He is Only the Doer, and is perfectly maintaining the balance. However, balance is not the end, it is just the destined path for all human beings to be understood and inevitably crossed without fail. Balance is perfectly engrained in each and every atom of the universe. That’s how, His two new operational acronyms of perfect balance, PBTL and PBP, came into grasp directly from cosmos; refer Pictorial Representation of Evolutionary Staircase. Conception and manifestation of PBTL and PBP was though a supernatural Herculean task, or experience, for me, but still as an observation of higher law and also for wide-spreading the core Truth in a more profound way – assuredly with cool state of my mind; I had to undergo gurus-monitored joyful experience of death, and re-birth for this; it can also be construed as disintegration, and consolidation. After this secret experience, I suddenly looked weaker despite the fact that I had no severe health disorder. It was sensitively, secretly and very clearly conveyed to me through thought transference or mental attunement that all my hitherto past individual karma got burnt in His Divine Fire or, to say so softly, all my past karma got washed in the flow of His Divine Waters, whereas all my senses were kept fully intact and alive inwardly during this entire experience, except one, that is temporary and partial withdrawal of my speech for a short period. My Super-conscious gaseous mind completely dissolved my sub-conscious solid mind. Now my upward journey for further dissolution of my portion of mass karma had begun, which gradually but scientifically forms the unshakeable base for eternal success and happiness. Experienced plainly, He operates mathematically, symmetrically and keeps His Balance Sheet always sensibly balanced every now and then. No mismatch ever!

Readers, also do contemplate furthermore that at our young age, while learning to solve mathematical problems, we are taught to solve certain problems by supposing one. If we do not suppose one for solving those problems, we are not able to reach the solution howsoever hard or repetitively we may try. Same way, for solving certain problems of life, we need to unshakably and faithfully suppose ONE for reaching to the solution of those problems. Be sure that That One Exists, and Answers.

Apart, I also take the opportunity, though a bit too lowly, to share with you a few more following acronyms that strongly kept shambling the back of my head, off and on, during this journey:

ILL: I Love Lord (during ill times)
SICK: Salve In Creator’s Kaleidoscope (during sick times)
His LAP: Love And Patience (during impatient times)
His LAW: Love And Wisdom (during depressing times)
KW: Knowledge and Wisdom equaling Power (during weak times)
NIL: Nature’s Inevitable Law, that must be followed at all times
ZERO: Zealous Energy Reality Over (understanding of Reality is over with the zealous energy used upwardly)
SEEU: Scientific Evolutionary Expression of the Universe

Further interpretation and understanding of these acronyms is being left on the ongoing spiritual unfoldment of the valuable readers.

O’ Lord of the Infinite! Guide me, Possess me.